Thursday, April 22, 2010

Video Elearning Tools for Customer Service Representatives

Elearning tools are becoming a staple in the corporate setting; especially in training call center offices that are mostly outsourced to other countries. There are a lot training tools and resources available but none are more engaging than instructional videos.

Instructional videos are getting really creative with their production. Professionally produced ones, in particular, have actors that really portray different scenarios very effectively.

Picking the right instructional video for a company is easier because just like movies, instructional videos can be previewed through the company’s website or through video sharing websites like Youtube and DailyMotion.

From the videos I’ve seen on Youtube, here are some of my favorites:

Top 6 Ways to Get an Angry Customer to Back Down, uploaded by myragolden. This is an incredibly helpful video that discusses the right ways to diffuse an irate customer bent on starting a fight with the representative. It’s very clear and concise and I like that it gives specific samples of dialogue that are extremely useful for representatives. Myra Golden is a customer-service and public relations expert and her website is listed on her channel information.

Customer Service Training DVD, uploaded by NewmarketLearning. The dialogues are very clear and easy to understand. Also, the video is witty and engaging. Newmarket Learning and Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training produce corporate training DVDs. Their website is also listed in their profile.

eLearning - Customer Service Training Course, uploaded by ServiceSkillsDOTcom. The video portrays realistic situations and the narrator or host of the video looks very professional but friendly. According to their profile, Service is a web-based customer service e-learning training program.

Expert village, a free video hosting website, also has some videos that may be helpful to Customer Service Representatives. Their videos are mostly lecture-based but it’s still a free additional resource of reliable information.

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